Iron Core Series Reactors
( LV / HV) Manufacturer
Power Capacitor

Iron Core Series Reactors (Low Voltage LV / High Voltage HV)

Role of Series Reactor in Capacitor Bank

In the existing power system due to electronics load or variable drives system lot of harmonics is generated and its very harmful for system stability as well as important electrical equipment. To mitigate these kind of harmonics as well as reduce switching inrush current series reactor is used along with capacitor bank. There are two types one is tuned & other is detuned.

Tuned Reactor

  • To minimize the specific harmonics that is only one harmonics level then tuned harmonics filter is used. At time of design we consider only one harmonics level.

Detuning Reactor

  • To minimize multiple harmonics level by using one reactor then detuned series reactor is useful. So in this reactor our design is combination of multiple harmonics filter in one arm.

  • Limit Harmonics Current
  • Stabilize the Voltage
  • Harmonics Reduction
  • Power Distribution System

    Series reactors are used in power distribution systems to limit fault currents, improve voltage regulation, and reduce the impact of short circuits.

  • Motor Dries

    In motor control systems, series reactors can be employed to protect the motor from inrush currents and to limit voltage spikes