Enquiry Form
Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form for APFC Capacitor Panels

We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of APFC Capacitor Panels and we are situated in Sangli, Maharashtra, India. We serve to customers from all over the world and earlier we have supplied our products to African Countries, Latin America, South East Asian Countries and Gulf Countries.

We welcome any question or requirement you may have for our products


Required Technical Specification


Main Transformer / Alternator Rating (Kva, Voltage):*

Present Contract Demand (kva):*

Present Maximum Demand (kVa):*

Total continuos fixed Load (kW):*

Total Variable Load (kW):*

Rated Voltage (Volt):*

Total Capacitor connected in system (if any)(kVAR):*

Existing Power Factor (Average of last 3 months) :*

(As per electricity bill or attch eletricity bills):*


Desired Power Factor:*

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